Enter this giveaway to win one of three sets of Baby Bio Outdoor plant food, worth £11.98 each.
Each set consists of one 75ml bottle of Baby Bio Outdoor Flowers & Shrubs and one 75ml bottle of Baby Bio Outdoor Fruit & Vegetables
Each bottle will give you 75 litres of plant food. Just add a 10ml capful of liquid feed to every litre of water in your watering can. (Standard watering cans take 10 litres of water).
The Baby Bio Outdoor Big Boost challenge
To enter: either leave a comment on this post telling me what your favourite grow-your-own veg is.
Or tweet me @midsizegarden saying you’d like to win a set of Baby Bio Outdoor liquid feed.
CLOSING DATE: Enter the competition by midnight on July 14th. Entries after this date are not valid.
The results of my Baby Bio Outdoor liquid feed Big Boost challenge
Baby Bio invited me to take the Baby Bio Challenge (see here for more detail). It involves taking two identical plants. I’ve fed one with Baby Bio Outdoor and not fed the other. I have chosen to focus on vegetables, and have done the challenge with beans, courgettes, tomatoes, mangetout and chillies.
Fertilising your plants isn’t difficult – it just means adding a liquid fertiliser such as Baby Bio Outdoor to your regular watering routine every 14 days. However, do be careful not to get water with fertiliser on leaves – make sure that you water the soil beneath the leaves instead.
I did the test with two groups of courgettes. Two ‘Courgettes Romanesco’ were grown from seed and planted in the vegetable bed. Another two were planted in pots. One of each group was fed fortnightly with Baby Bio Liquid Outdoor feed.
After two weeks, the Baby Bio-fed plants were slightly larger. All the plants looked healthy.
After 4 weeks. The plant on the right is fed with Baby Bio Outdoor liquid feed.
The Baby Bio plants produced courgettes to harvest about five days earlier than the non-Baby Bio.
I have harvested 16 courgettes from the two Baby Bio-fed plants and eight from the two that weren’t fed.
We also had a great deal of rain, and at one point, both the courgettes in pots looked very mouldy and manky. I thought they were both on their way out, but both have perked up. The Baby Bio fed one perked up sooner and has started giving me courgettes again.
The courgette plant that hasn’t been fed hasn’t produced any more courgettes at all. I am now going to feed both plants to see if the plant that hasn’t been fed will start producing courgettes if it is fed from now.
Tomatoes and chillies:
It’s too early to say. Plants are growing and look healthy. They have only been planted out for 2 weeks.
Runner beans:
Both Baby Bio and non-Baby Bio bean plants are growing well. I have five red flowers on the non Baby Bio and fourteen flowers on the plant fed with Baby Bio.
I grew these in my mini polytunnel which has turned out to be far too small for them. They are so hopelessly entangled with each other and with the self-seeded nasturtiums that are allowed to roam freely. I’m afraid I have failed in maintaining proper test conditions, but I have eaten alot of mangetout, so something must be working.
The post Win Baby Bio Outdoor liquid feed & see the results of our tests appeared first on The Middle-Sized Garden.
from The Middle-Sized Garden http://www.themiddlesizedgarden.co.uk/win-baby-bio-outdoor-liquid-feed/
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